
A new chapter begun
Like the early morning sun
With it's fresh new start
I am loving this part

Finally feeling joy
After meeting this boy
Genuine, funny and kind
Freely speaks his mind

We're talking for ages
One of my favourite stages
Getting to know one another
And not being a mother

But we talk about them
each of our children
Their ages, their names
The fun and the games

And how it is so nice
To not be throwing a dice
But instead having a drink
And being able to think

Sharing our pasts
And how things didn't last 
But grateful to be here
With a Pimms and a beer

Exchanging a smile
Not felt this in a while
Letting my guard down
And replacing that frown

Allowing myself to be seen
Because this boy, I'm keen 
It feels easy, it's nice
And we've only dated twice

And I already cannot wait
Until our third date
My heart is a flutter
My words all a stutter

His kiss goodbye on my lips
Tastes of our alcohol sips
But oh how good to feel
Someone like this is real

I am loving this part.


The calmness of an empty house
The warming coffee first thing, but taken back to bed
A hot shower after a trying day

A few nice things lately.


My brain is full, it's going to explode
There's a lot to take in, an overload.
Words and words just pour out of you
If only they were followed with action too.

Untruths, Scramble, Hurt, Deceit
Your words and promises list like a receipt.

You made me feel worthy, said all the right things
Excitedly plan time away, to live like kings.
And of course those plans soon disappeared
Quicker than even I had first feared.

I should have known, trusted my gut
Though my heart took over, avoiding the 'but'.
I wanted to believe you, the 'you and me'
But it was just a mere wild fantasy.

Then came the first cancelled plan
Releasing those worms from the can.
Double booked, forgot, not feeling it
How did I think we could possibly fit?!

And yet I, again, ignored my intuition
Trusted your plans would come into fruition.
But they never did, you didn't follow through
And I was left unwanted, discarded by you.

So now I'm having to start all over again
Pick myself up, unscramble my brain.
Patch up my heart, convince myself it's not me
Just another man with no accountability.